Course Duration
This is often run as a 1 day course but can be delivered over two days
Certificate Validity
The qualification is valid for 3 years from the date of the course finishing.
Course Description
The benefits of a healthy and varied diet are indisputable. This qualification has been designed to provide a good, basic understanding of nutrition. This course is recommended for all employees in catering environments involved in the selection of menus, recipes and ingredients. It is also relevant for those in the health care and education sectors. Especially, crèches, private day nurseries, child minders and pre/after-school clubs.
The Government is committed to reducing death and ill health caused by diet-related disease. More than ever – caterers need to understand the link between diet and health.
Course Contents
A range of subjects is covered including:
- Good basic understanding of nutrition principles and terminology
- Understand the requirements of a balanced diet and its positive effect on health
- Identify differing needs, allergies and food intolerances
- Appreciate that different groups of people require different diets to suit their lifestyle
- Knowledge of the requirements of the current legislation
- Understand the impact of food processing and manufacturing on the nutritional content of foods
- Appreciate the importance of accurate nutritional information being available on food products
- Be able to understand food labelling and it’s impact of health
- What does “five a day” really mean?