First Person on Scene – Review and Revision
As a result of the notification of the withdrawal of the Ambulance and Paramedic Practice suite, jointly awarded with AACE, there appears to be some confusion over the future of the First Person on Scene suite of qualifications.
The First Person on Scene suite is not being withdrawn. There will be continuous FPoS provision for the foreseeable future.
As you may already be aware the First Person on Scene suite has been subject to a review and is now undergoing redevelopment.
The proposal for the new qualifications are as follows:
- FPoS suite will transfer to regulated frameworks both, QCF and SCQF. Intermediate programme will be levelled at QCF Level 3.
- Assessment will move to on screen testing.
- Will continue to be endorsed by the Royal College of Surgeons (Edinburgh) and recognised on the Faculty of Pre-Hospital Care framework.
- Qualification specification to be updated and maintained with regard to clinical practice and professional guidelines; JRCALC; FPHC Framework etc
- Revise, reformat and reissue FPoS Rules and Regulations as Centre Approval Criteria
- FPoS manual to be revised in line with revised specification and assessment. Will also be available in electronic format for approved centres.
- Additional content for specialist optional units for particular sectors ie search and rescue; remote environments; security etc
- FPoS continues to be trademarked to Pearson until at least 2022.
- Target date for launch of new qualification suite January 2016.