by Abacus Training | 29 Oct, 2012 | Legislation, News
See on – First Aid Training The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has launched a consultation on the proposed removal of the requirement for it to approve first aid training and qualifications. It also plans to review the content of the associated...
by Abacus Training | 30 Jul, 2012 | Legislation
The table below gives the suggested minimum first aid provision given by the HSE. 1 From your risk assessment, what degree of hazard is associated with your work activities? 2 How many employees do you have? 3 What first-aid personnel do you need? Low hazardeg...
by Abacus Training | 19 Jul, 2012 | Legislation
First aid provision needs to be available at all times when people are at work. Some organisations are not aware that they need to have first aid provision available at all the times the organisation is in operation. This may include when: Cleaning/site staff are...
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