Warwickshire Fire
We are very pleased to now be providing FPOS (First Person On Scene) training to Warwickshire Fire Service. The FPOS course fits very well with the requirements of the fire service as they need to be able to deal with more trauma related injuries. Fire services are...
Performing 38 minutes of CPR can save patient’s life, study finds
See on Scoop.it - First Aid Training Performing CPR for 38 minutes or longer can improve a patient’s chance of surviving cardiac arrest, a new study has found. The findings, presented at the American Heart Association’s Scientific Sessions 2013, revealed that...
Rules change for reporting accidents at work – People Management Magazine Online
See on Scoop.it - First Aid Training The price for failing to report accidents or provide first-aid is potentially high Under the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 (RIDDOR), employers must report any work-related deaths, and...
Right place, right time!
Adam attended a recent FPOS course with us, he was called upon to use his skills very quickly with a positive outcome. "Upon returning from an FPOS training day, I received a knock at the door. I discovered that several tenants close to my house began drinking in the...
Denmark setting the bar for CPR! | CPR Professionals Blog
See on Scoop.it - First Aid Training People who suffer a cardiac arrest in Denmark today are three times more likely to survive than a decade ago, thanks largely to a national effort to teach people CPR, a new study says. Denmark launched a national effort in 2005 to...
Hero son saves mum from choking on pea with first aid he learnt at summer camp days earlier
See on Scoop.it - First Aid Training Mum Cherie was having dinner with her nine-year-old son Kayne when a pea blocked her airway 9 year old Kayne Holden with mum Cherie Briggs at their home in Bingley West Yorkshire. A choking mum was saved by her son of nine the day...
Heathrow is the safest place in London to have a cardiac arrest
See on Scoop.it - First Aid Training The London Ambulance Service has declared Heathrow Airport as having the highest cardiac arrest survival rate in London, outside of hospital. The airport has 180 heart-starting defibrillators, over 100 first aid-trained front line...
Experience: I saved a man’s life while singing Stayin’ Alive
See on Scoop.it - First Aid Training Sharon Thorneywork: 'It was only when I arrived at work that it hit me. I started to cry, overwhelmed at what had just happened' My thoughts were elsewhere that morning. I was running late for work, so although I noticed a man get...
iPhone device detects heart rhythm problem that can cause stroke
See on Scoop.it - First Aid Training A special iPhone case and app can be used to quickly and cheaply detect heart rhythm problems and prevent strokes, according to University of Sydney research presented at the Australia and New Zealand Cardiac Society conference...