iPhone device detects heart rhythm problem that can cause stroke
See on Scoop.it - First Aid Training A special iPhone case and app can be used to quickly and cheaply detect heart rhythm problems and prevent strokes, according to University of Sydney research presented at the Australia and New Zealand Cardiac Society conference...
‘OK Glass, Save A Life.’ The Application Of Google Glass In Sudden Cardiac Death
See on Scoop.it - First Aid Training Google Glass has made its way into healthcare. Its use in the operating room and in medical education has been profiled here. Yet the magic of Glass will be found in the applications that can make this “technology” into...
First Aid Training Confidence
After delivering a recent course, we received the following email from one of the participants. "I wanted to tell you I had a chance to use my first aid skills on the way home last night as I saw a cyclist come off his bike and hit his head quite hard on the median...
“First Aid Training Works”
"First Aid Training Works" was a statement recently given to us by Chris who had just completed a 3 day First Aid at Work (FAW) course. He had left work for the day after just completing his 3 day FAW course when he was alerted by a lady that her husband was not well....
FPOS Course
Why might you be interested in the FPOS course? A couple of weeks ago Abacus Training ran an FPOS course to give medical skills to people wanting to get in to the close protection/security sector. One of which was even international! The course was delivered by Duncan...
Lack of defibrillators in hospitality industry raises concerns
See on Scoop.it - First Aid Training The vast majority of British hospitality businesses do not have a defibrillator, despite the impact the device has on cardiac arrest survival rates, according to a recent report. See on www.bighospitality.co.uk
Importance of first aid for families highlighted by new survey
See on Scoop.it - First Aid Training New findings reveal 70% parents don't know what to do in an emergency Could you give CPR to your baby, or know what to do if your child swallows a toxic substance? If not, you're not alone. A nationwide study by...
First Person On (FPOS) Scene Intermediate
This market leading and highly innovative Blended First Person On Scene course is approved by Edexcel and endorsed by the Royal College of Surgeons, Faculty of Pre-Hospital Care (Edinburgh), the leading clinical body for pre-Hospital Care in the UK. We pride ourselves...
HSE Workplace First Aid Training
From 6th April 2013, the HSE are no longer responsible for the approval of First Aid Training and Training Providers. So what does this mean for you: External assessors are no longer explicitly required for the 3 day First Aid at Work (FAW) course although the...